In a world facing the growing risk of man-made and natural disasters resulting from increasingly frequent and severe natural, industrial and man-made hazards, the security of citizens, infrastructure and assets has become a high priority in the European Union. Strengthening capacities in disaster risk and crisis management and improving resilience in CBRN-E (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) and natural and man-made disaster management represent key EU policy and research challenges.
The overall EU security policy framework covers many different sectors, which implies needs for coordination among various communities. To reduce the current fragmentation in security research and facilitate information exchanges among and between policy-makers, research, industry (including SMEs), practitioners (first responders, civil protection units etc.), and the general public, the European Commission – DG HOME organises a series of meetings of the Community Of Users that take place several times a year.
Event Details
- Edition: 12th Meeting of the Community Of Users On Secure, Safe And Resilient Societies
- Dates of the event: 3 – 4 December 2018
- Meeting venue: BAO Congress Center Brussels, Rue Félix Hap 11, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Event Topics
- December 3rd: Forensics, Civil-Military Cooperation in CBRN
- December 4th: Standardisation governance
The Registrations to the 12th CoU Meeting will be accessible from this website and will be opened one month prior the event.
12th CoU event website.