ALLIANCE Project : Kick-off meeting

mardi 25 septembre 2018 | 14 h 00 - mercredi 26 septembre 2018 | 14 h 00

Advanced Materials and ICT for Defence and Security Markets

Brockerage Event

The ALLIANCE project is a 2-year-EU-funded project that fosters internationalisation of European SMEs in defence & security markets.The initiative will support the innovative products on advanced materials and connectivity for dual use, such as aerospace, soldier systems, robotics. ALLIANCE involves a seven-partners consortium led by the cluster of competitiveness TECHTERA and based on a strong partnership between French, Italian and Dutch clusters.
The participation to this event allows you to:

  • discover the ALLIANCE project and the program dedicated to industry for the coming years (networking activities – international missions)
  • network with the advanced materials, ICT, defence & security sector stakeholders
  • present your structure and your innovation
  • participate to the emergence of new projects of innovation
  • meet the partners of the ALLIANCE project

Download the agenda
Download the invitation / registration form
Participation to the pitch session is limited and based on the rule first registered – first served.
Please send your registration form duly completed by email to before 10th September 2018.


Début :
mardi 25 septembre 2018 | 14 h 00
Fin :
mercredi 26 septembre 2018 | 14 h 00
Catégorie d’Évènement:



Métropole de Lyon
Tour Oxygène, 10-12 Blvd Vivier Merle
Lyon, 69003
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