South Korea market study presentation
ALLIANCE – Alliance for International Business Development of Advanced Materials and CoNnectivity for DefenCe and SEcurity Markets, a project funded under the COSME programme for European strategic cluster partnerships, aims to mobilize cluster partners, their SMEs, large companies and other key regional innovation actors to ensure development of dual use technologies in the defence and advanced materials sectors, to define common strategies on these issues to non-EU countries.
The event, will be an opportunity to present to participants the results of past project missions in USA, and Japan aimed at collecting commercial contacts presenting the industrial needs that have emerged during the previous meetings. The results collected by Business France of a market study regarding South Korea situation regarding the defence and textile sector will be presented. The webinar is free of charge for participants and will be uploaded on our project channels.
9.00-9.15 Introduction of the project (Techtera/SIIT)
9.15 -9.30 Presentation of the previous third-country missions in Japan and US (SAFE & Techtera)
9.30-10.00 Market study presentation (Business France)
10.00-10.30 External stakeholders’ presentation (10 mins each)
10.30-10.45 Conclusions and questions (SIIT)
For organizational reasons, please kindly confirm your presence to Ms Barbagelata ( by email indicating the number of participants, names and membership before the 19th of June